Loading the app
The first step is to load the intended binary into Olly. You can either drag and drop the file onto Olly’s disassmebly window, or click the load icon on the top far left and choose the file. Olly will do analysis (if you can read it fast enough in the bottom bar of Olly’s display) and will stop at the programs Entry Point (EP).
The first thing to notice is that the EP is at address 401000, as we can see in the first column. This is a pretty standard starting point for an executable (at least an executable that has not been packed or obfuscated anyway). If your screen looks different and Olly has not stopped at 401000, try going into Appearance and selecting debugging options, click on the “Events” tab, and make sure “WinMain (if location is known)” is checked. Then restart the app).
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