The word keyloggers was named because these software record keystrokes, anyway these programs extended there features like recording audio,video,taking screen shots and many others.
There are mainly two types of keyloggers.
1). Software Keyloggers
Software keyloggers are the application programs generally written in a Programming language.The advantage of Software Keyloggers are that Maximum of them are free to use.But the main disadvantage of Software keyloggers is that they can be easily detected and removed by anti virus software. Even Sometimes they sends victim's and hacker's Keylogs to their Server.
There are lots of keyloggers available in market but the one which i like is Beyond Keylogger.
2). Hardware keyloggers
Hardware keyloggers are nothing but hardware devices which are added to peripheral devices of system to to say spy on someone.All we have to do only is to attach keylogger with any of the doesn’t affect the functioning of the device when it got silently records all the There are lots of available hardware keyloggers available in market out of which PS/2 and USB keyloggers are widely used.

Installation of the hardware PS/2 keylogger in record mode is quick and easy. Simply plug it in between the PS/2 keyboard and the PS/2 keyboard port. No software of drivers are required. The hardware keylogger will automatically start recording all data typed on the keyboard to the internal flash disk.
Keylogger for mobiles
Just install a freeware keylogger like BOSSPY or 1MOLE on the iPhone, iPad or Android phone you want to spy.
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