
How To Clean Your RAM Using Notepad?

Many friends of me ask where can I download a software which can keep my RAM free? And I found these software are nothing but using some lines of code which can be implemented by using notepad or any editor tool. So if any one does not have any software, you can use it by doing the following things which I am going to mention.

Steps to Clean Your RAM Using Notepad:
  1. Open Notepad
  2. Type FreeMem=Space (10240000000). (Note:This code is only for those who have 1GB(1024 MB) RAM, if you have 2GB(1024*2 = 2048 MB) RAM than replace 1024 from above code to 2048 and if you have 512 MB RAM in your Computer than replace 1024 from above code to 512).
  3. Save it as “CLEANER.VBS” in any location you like.
  4. Run it !
After this final step your RAM will be free.

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